Cette formation est proposée sous forme de formation présentielle et à distance. En savoir plus

Introduction to European Long-term Investment Funds – ELTIF

Fonds d'Investissement

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Welcome to our introductory training program on European Long-term Investment Funds (ELTIFs). This program provides a comprehensive overview of ELTIFs, covering their framework, historical background, regulatory regime, marketing strategies, and outlook for the future. Whether you're an investor, financial professional, or regulator, this training will equip you with essential knowledge to navigate the complexities of ELTIF investments effectively.


The objectives of the course are:

  •  Understand the framework and significance of ELTIFs.

  • Trace the historical evolution and latest iterations of ELTIFs.

  • Master the regulatory regime and investment procedures.

  • Learn effective marketing strategies for ELTIFs.

  • Prepare for the advancements introduced in ELTIF 2.0.

  • Enhance decision-making skills in ELTIF investments.

  • Ensure compliance and mitigate risks associated with ELTIFs.

  • Why ELTIF?

  • Key facts and figures

  • ELTIF domiciliation

  • ELTIFs in Luxemburg

  • Historical

  • ELTIF 1.0

  • ELTIF 2.0

ELTIF Regime
  • Authorisation

  • Service providers

  • Structuring

  • Investment Policy & Restrictions

  • How to invest & redeem


  • Marketing of an ELTIF

  • Refresh: AIFMD passport regime

  • Marketing to retail investors

  • Distributor’s perspective

Outlook: ELTIF 2.0

  • Overview

  • Timeline

  • Marketing: specific passport regime

  • Investment Restrictions

  • Liquidity Management

Target Audience

Overall, the course caters to individuals and professionals seeking to enhance their understanding and proficiency in navigating the complexities of ELTIF investments within the financial landscape.


Course Material

The training material will be handed out at the beginning of the course.

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
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Sessions et horaires

Télécharger le planning (PDF)

  • Wed 27.11.2024

    08:30 à 12:30


    Introduction to European Long-term Investment Funds – ELTIF

    Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg