This training is offered in both face-to-face and distance learning formats. More information

Payment Services Directive (PSD2) - Compliance Framework


In collaboration with:

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After the training, the participant shall be able to: 

  • understand the core objectives of the PSD2 framework and the impact of APIs to payment service providers
  • understand requirements on strong customer authentication
  • analyze the potential future developments and strategic challenges and opportunities of banks and FinTech firms

The course is presented in cooperation with the ABBL Digital Banking and FinTech Innovation Cluster.

  • Basic principles of PSD2 and its scope
  • Implementation process of PSD2 and the statutory framework
  • Access-to-Account (XS2A) requirements
  • Payment initiation and access to account services
  • Regulatory Technical Standard on Strong Customer Authentication and secure open standards on communication
  • Key technological tools and approaches to PSD2 compliance
  • Discover how PSD2 applies in your organization 
  • Identify the risks and opportunities created by PSD2
Target Audience

The course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of PSD2 and its role in the payments industry. The course is specifically targeted at people working within and at all levels in the payments area of financial institutions and PSPs.


Course Material

Please note that for environmental reasons no paper version of the training material will be provided for your training. The course material can be downloaded free of charge via your portal before the start of the course (download the Client Portal User’s Guide here). You will be able to view it on the screen of your mobile device or print it if necessary. If your registration has been made by a training manager of your company please contact him/her so that he/she can give you access to it or send it to you.

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
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