This training is offered in both face-to-face and distance learning formats. More information

MiFID II - Derivatives (EN)


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Based on the the ISO definition of derivatives specifying that a derivative instrument is a financial contract the value of which is “derived” from the value of underlying instruments or commodities, the content of module 5 on derivatives focuses on:

Development of Derivatives

Derivatives and MiFID II

Derivatives and MiFID II

- Trading Environments – Organised vs. OTC

  Characteristics of Derivative





Players in Derivatives Markets




- Arbitrageurs

 Derivatives as Investments

-Derivatives and Risk

 -Information Provided to Clients

 Taxes on Derivatives

 Documentation for Derivatives

 o MiFID Update

MiFID Since its Inception

New ESG Framework

- Relief Package

MiFID II/MiFIR Amendments

Digital Finance

After MiFID II, Comes MiFID III, Right?

Key Messages

Bibliography and References

o Appendix

Target Audience

The persons concerned by the Training Programme are all persons placed under the authority of a professional (or acting on his behalf) subject to prudential supervision by the CSSF, i.e. individuals providing investment advice (“Advisory profile”) or information (“Information profile”) on financial instruments, investment services or ancillary services to clients.


Experienced professional specialists selected on the basis of their in-depth knowledge of markets and financial products under MiFID rules I and II, and ESMA criteria.




Course Material

Please note that for environmental reasons no paper version of the training material will be provided for your training. The course material can be downloaded free of charge via your portal before the start of the course (download the Client Portal User’s Guide here). You will be able to view it on the screen of your mobile device or print it if necessary. If your registration has been made by a training manager of your company please contact him/her so that he/she can give you access to it or send it to you.


This module is part of the MiFID II Certification. For more details about this Certification, please click here.

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7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
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