Cette formation est proposée sous forme de formation présentielle et à distance. En savoir plus

Sustainable Finance - Operational Aspects - Advanced


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This advanced course is part of a 3-module programme:

  1. Sustainable Finance: Operational Aspects (this course) - supported by Forethix
  2. Sustainable Finance: The Case of Green, Social and Sustainability Bond and ESG Funds (advanced) 
  3. Sustainable Finance: Regulatory aspects

The module Sustainable Finance: Operational aspects is provided by Forethix Academy

Unit 1
Introduction: Key concepts are necessary in order to embrace advanced new notions related to sustainable development.  (1,5 hours)
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and their consequence on climate change

  • Climate change scenario and models

Normative context in Sustainable Finance (2 hours)

Description: Learn about framework developers, standard setters, coalitions and initiatives providing research, standards, norms and practical tools for Sustainable Finance.

Objective: Be able to select the best norms or standards to support your Sustainable Finance strategies in line with the ambitions set.

Programme : 

  • Framework developers: UN Global Compact, Sustainable Development Goals, TCFD, ...
  • Standard setters: GRI, SASB, ISO, ...
  • Coalitions and initiatives: IPCC, IFC, 2° initiative, UNEP-Finance Initiative,...
Unit 2 - Sustainable Finance labelling (2,5 hours)

Description: Learn about European sustainability labelling agencies & understand their methodologies for assessing the eligibility of a financial product to their label.

Objective: Be able to understand the assessment methodology of major European labels in sustainable finance and prepare for a labelling process.

Programme :

  • Comparative analysis of existing labels in Sustainable Finance in Europe
  • EU Ecolabel for financial products
  • Process to obtain a label: requirement, timeline, cost, due diligence framework, validity & reviewal process. With the intervention of LuxFLAG.
Unit 3 - Sustainable Finance Data (2 hours)

Description: Learn about the sources of data for sustainable finance and understand the assessment approach of major providers. Take a look into the methodologies of major ESG indices, ESG rating agencies, specialised data providers, how they can be used and interpreted.


  • Key concepts and market demand
  • Investment strategies relying on ESG data 
  • Typical rating methodology 
  • Upcoming regulation
  • ESG rating process (Sustainalytics, CDP, MSCI...)
  • Case studies
Unit 4 - ESG transparency & reporting (3 hours)

Description: Understand the principles of extra-financial reporting on both sides: ESG reporting for investors and non-financial reporting for corporations.

Objective: Learn to read and interpret sustainability information from an extra-financial report.


  • Key reporting principles (materiality, double-materiality, comparability, boundaries, engagement...)
  • Metrics
  • Reporting frameworks illustrated by case studies (investors reporting, transparent policies, sustainability risk reporting, impact report, engagement/proxy voting report, corporate responsibility reports,...)
  • 10 steps to successfully prepare your report
Unit 5 - Collaborative case study (1 hour)

Description: Summarise your knowledge from Modules 1-4 playing the role of investor, lender, corporation or assessor. 

Objective: Based on real-case examples, put in practice various operational aspects of Sustainable Finance.


  • Preliminary reading and assignment will be provided to you at the end of Unit 4
  • Schedule in your own time a 1-hour individual working session in preparation of Unit 5
  • Consolidation of results, observation and feedback session with the group will take place during Unit 5
Target Audience

All professionals working in bank, asset management, insurance companies and other financial institutions who need to capture knowledge & best practices on sustainable finance.


Course Material

Please note that for environmental reasons no paper version of the training material will be provided for your training. The course material can be downloaded free of charge via your portal before the start of the course (download the Client Portal User’s Guide here). You will be able to view it on the screen of your mobile device or print it if necessary. If your registration has been made by a training manager of your company please contact him/her so that he/she can give you access to it or send it to you.


 At the end of the training, a certificate of attendance will be available either on your client account or on demand to the customer service.

Classe virtuelle
A distance
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Sessions et horaires

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  • Thu 21.11.2024

    08:30 à 17:30


    Operational aspects of Sustainable finance (Advanced)

    Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg

  • Fri 22.11.2024

    08:30 à 12:30


    Operational aspects of Sustainable finance (Advanced)

    Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg

Durée 1H

Lieu Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg

  • mar. 24.09.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 26.09.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 08.10.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 22.10.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 24.10.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 05.11.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 12.11.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 19.11.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 26.11.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 28.11.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 03.12.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 10.12.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 17.12.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 19.12.2024 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 07.01.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 14.01.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 21.01.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 28.01.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 30.01.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 04.02.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 11.02.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 25.02.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 27.02.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 04.03.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 11.03.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 18.03.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 25.03.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 27.03.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 01.04.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 22.04.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • ven. 25.04.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 29.04.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 06.05.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 13.05.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 20.05.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 22.05.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 27.05.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 03.06.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 10.06.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 17.06.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 24.06.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 26.06.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 01.07.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 08.07.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 10.07.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 15.07.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 16.09.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 23.09.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 25.09.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 30.09.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 07.10.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 14.10.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 21.10.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 28.10.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 30.10.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 11.11.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 25.11.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 27.11.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 02.12.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 04.12.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 09.12.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 11.12.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • mar. 16.12.2025 08:45 à 11:45
  • jeu. 18.12.2025 08:45 à 11:45