NoScript Tracker
Cette formation est proposée sous forme de formation présentielle.



Transform your work habits, improve your focus, and achieve your goals faster with concentration techniques. Discover proven techniques for maintaining your attention, even in the most demanding environments.


At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concentration process and the factors affecting concentration

  • Identify tools to improve concentration

  • The concentration process

    • The challenges of concentration in the modern world (multitasking, constant distractions)

    • The benefits of increased concentration (productivity, stress reduction, improved performance)

    • Understanding the link between concentration and biological rhythms

  • Mobilising your concentration

    • Identify your own internal and external interference factors

    • Observe and listen actively

    • Train your mind to concentrate

    • Developing routines

    • Find your switch and activate it

  • The effects of infobesity on concentration

    • How information overload affects our ability to concentrate (concrete examples of information overload)

    • Techniques for filtering relevant information

  • Managing digital distractions and information “noise”

    • Identifying sources of distraction (social networks, notifications, multitasking)

    • Techniques for limiting the use of social networks

    • Developing strategies for managing notifications (settings, dedicated times for checking).

    • Differentiating between useful information and “noise” information

  • Developing your toolbox for staying focused by minimising sensory distractions

    • The Pomodoro method and its variants

    • Visualisation and meditation techniques

    • Using applications and concentration tools

    • Games and exercises to boost concentration

  • Drawing up a personalised action plan

Target Audience

All audiences

Training methods
  • Presentation and videos

  • Practical exercises (breathing, visualisation, etc.)

  • Interactive quizzes

  • Brainstorming


Course Material

The training material will be handed out at the beginning of the course.

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
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