This training is offered in both face-to-face and distance learning formats. More information

Insurance Sector - Framework Overview




You will gain a broad understanding of the insurance sector within the EU and Luxembourg, with the aim of giving you a high-level overview of the duties and responsibilities of an insurance agent.


At the end of this training, the participants will have a holistic knowledge of the insurance sector, including the main stakeholders and the applicable regulatory frameworks. The course shall provide a detailed information about the rules governing insurance business, the tasks, and obligations of insurance agents as well as the behaviours and conduct towards customers:

  • Understand the organisation of the distribution of insurance products

  • Identify the role of insurance intermediaries

  • Know the conditions of access, exercise and control that prevail in insurance intermediation

  • Understand the requirements stemming from the insurance distribution directive and any other relevant regulatory requirements

  • Insurance sector

    • Overview of the sector

    • Insurance companies

    • Insurance agreement (premium, risks, service)

    • Insurance products  

  • Insurance distribution

    • Regulatory framework

    • Conditions to carry-out the intermediation activities

    • Intermediaries’ liabilities

    • Freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment

    • Regulated distribution channels

  • Customer relationship

    • Regulatory framework

    • MiFID II and PRIIPS

    • Information to clients

    • Advised, non-advised sales, cross selling

    • Conflicts of interest management and inducements

  • Financial crime and Sanctions

    • Fight against financial crime

    • Role of the intermediary: Customer Due Diligence

    • Screening: PEP, Sanctions and Adverse information

    • Complying with the sanction regime

  • Professional secrecy and data protection

  • Professional secrecy

  • GDPR


Course Material

The training material will be handed out at the beginning of the course.

Classe virtuelle
A distance
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