Cette formation est proposée sous forme de formation présentielle.

Working and Collaborating with Your Accountant

Entrepreneuriat & Gestion d’Entreprise

En collaboration avec:

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Are you experiencing difficulties in understanding the work of your accountant? Are you surprised by the amount of administrative work required for running a business? You are not alone. Many first-time entrepreneurs underestimate the administrative workload for managing a company and have difficulties in communicating efficiently with their accountant. On the other hand, the accountant is a vital tool in the successful development of your activities. To help improve the relationship between entrepreneurs and accountants, we propose this practical training to micro-entrepreneurs by focusing on how to organise your documents for accountancy.


At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Organise and structure the documents for accountancy

  • Understand the responsibilities as company manager

  • Follow-up on and understand the work of the accountant and the different services involved

  • Recap of the social and fiscal obligations in Luxembourg

  • Organising documents for accountancy (individual company vs. limited liability company)

  • Deadlines for declarations, payments, reimbursement and impact on cashflow

  • Formats for invoices and managing invoicing

  • Practical questions on the daily business of micro-entrepreneurs

Target audience
  • Project holders planning on starting a business in Luxembourg.  

  • Managers of recently created companies (< 3 years of existence)

  • First-time business creators (freelance or company)


Course Material

The training material will be handed out at the beginning of the course.


At the end of the course, participants will receive a certificate of attendance issued by the House of Training.    

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
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