Cette formation est proposée sous forme de formation à distance. En savoir plus

Data Analytics in Banking - Fundamentals


En collaboration avec:

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The course is presented in cooperation with the ABBL Digital Banking and FinTech Innovation Cluster.

After completing this course, the learner will be able to understand: 

  • Concepts of Data Analytics
  • Issues that Data Analytics can solve
  • Data Analytics Key Words
  • Competencies needed
  • Business applications and processes of Data Analytics
  • Promises and pitfalls of Data Analytics
  • Examples of FinTech firms
  • Data types and Actors
  • Issues Data Analytics can solve
  • What are Data Analytics - Key words and notions
  • Data science Ecosystem
  • Problem definition for Business applications of Data Analytics
  • Data analytics processes - Data prepration, visualisation...
  • Case studies
  • Promises & pitfalls of Data Analytics
Target audience

This course is suitable for Data Analysts, Scientists or data-oriented Staff.


Deloitte Luxembourg has always been at the forefront in helping professionals gain deeper insights on hot topics and supporting organisations to keep abreast of the evolving business environment. We specialize in providing a wide range of trainings on various subjects as well as soft skills trainings. Deloitte Luxembourg focuses in providing up-to-date training methods in convenient formats (webinars, e-learnings, classroom trainings, assessments, etc.). Our courses are delivered by our subject matter experts and have been carefully designed for professionals interested in acquiring hands-on learning experience.


Course Material

Please note that for environmental reasons no paper version of the training material will be provided for your training. The course material can be downloaded free of charge via your portal before the start of the course (download the Client Portal User’s Guide here). You will be able to view it on the screen of your mobile device or print it if necessary. If your registration has been made by a training manager of your company please contact him/her so that he/she can give you access to it or send it to you.


No exam is available for this training course.

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
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Sessions et horaires

Télécharger le planning (PDF)

  • Mon 14.10.2024

    08:30 à 12:30


    Data Analytics in Banking - Fundamentals

    Classe virtuelle