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Types of trainings

The House of Training offers two types of trainings:

Certified training paths

These are structured sets of courses offered according to a specific logic and chronology. Some paths consist of courses that are also accessible individually, outside the certified path. Our training paths are usually offered in collaboration with a professional association and sanctioned by a certificate, in case of passing the final exam.

View our certified paths

Individual trainings

These courses, of varying duration, meet a specific training need and can be followed "à la carte". They may include an examination that is an integral part of the training, an optional examination, or no examination at all.

View our individual trainings

These two types of courses can take different forms

Catalog training

All the training courses we offer are described in detail on this website. These trainings can be organised in inter-company (that is to say be open to the general public) or intra-company (and in this case, be organised at the request of a customer within his company).

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Customised training

In this case, the content is developed and adapted to the specific needs of the client.

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Most of the offer consists of daily classes but also includes a number of evening classes.


By removing time and location constraints, e-learning greatly enhances opportunities for training and developing skills. The House of Training is currently developing its offer of e-learning courses, in partnership with renowned academic partners.

e-learning both expands and compliments our offer in three specific ways:

  • before a training course (prerequisites)

  • as part of a training course (to supplement or substitute)

  • as a "stand-alone" option

View our e-learning courses