Cette formation est proposée sous forme de formation présentielle.

FMECA - Failure Mode and Critical Analysis


En collaboration avec:

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At the end of this training, the participant should be able to:

  • know the objective and scope of an FMEA Process

  • identify how to analyse product risks potentially generated by the implementation of the production process

  • understand the rules for running this tool for efficient work

  • Know the objective and scope of a Product or Process FMEA

    • Introduction

    • Define the objectives of the different FMEAs (Product/Process/Means) and position them in an overall product/process design approach

    • Establish the complete flow diagram for the FMEA Process

  • Analyse product risks generated by “drift” in the manufacturing process (qualitative analysis)
    • Search for potential or real anomalies generated on the product during each elementary operation
    • Search for process causes that could have caused these anomalies
    • Estimation of the effects of anomalies on the customer
    • Review of detection means (monitoring plan) implemented to detect these anomalies
    • Evaluation of the criteria of occurrence (frequency), seriousness (severity) and detection (non-detection) of each of the anomalies
    • Calculation of the corresponding criticality (risk priority index)
  • Understand the rules for running this tool for efficient work
    • Establish an action plan
    • Key elements of good animation of an FMEA analysis
    • Validation of acquired knowledge
  • Validation of acquired knowledge via role-play based on a fun-educational game

    • Knowledge validation quiz at the end of the session

Target audience

Anyone involved in a continuous improvement process


Course Material

The training material will be handed out at the beginning of the course.


At the end of the training, participants will receive a certificate of participation issued by the House of Training and UIMM.

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
Calculate the itinerary

Sessions et horaires

Télécharger le planning (PDF)

  • Wed 02.10.2024

    08:30 à 16:30


    FMECA - Failure Mode and Critical Analysis

    Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg

  • Thu 03.10.2024

    08:30 à 16:30


    FMECA - Failure Mode and Critical Analysis

    Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg