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Investment Funds Training Programmes Top Ranking 2024

From Fundamentals to Compliance and Private Equity

The House of Training invite you to explore the 2024 Ranking for the Investment Fund Industry, organised by theme and training programmes. We provide you with an insight into the latest trends within the industry in terms of skills development continuing vocational training.

Themes Ranking

Introduction to Fund Industry

Laws and Regulations

Fund Compliance

Depositary Bank Agent

Risk Management

Private Equity Funds

Certified and Training Programmes Top 10 Ranking

RC Capacity Certificate Programme for the Funds Industry EN/FR

Certification Depositary Bank (CDB)

 Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) - Understanding Fundamentals

Asset and Fund Management

AML for Luxembourg Investment Funds

Private Equity - Mastering the Specificities of PE Fund Accounting and Reporting

 Introduction to Alternative Assets

Risk Management - Operational Risk for Funds

 Risk Management - Market Risk for Funds

Investment Funds - Fundamentals

House of Training's mission is to anticipate market challenges and support the skills development of executives and employees, thereby strengthening the competitiveness of the fund industry.

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