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Empowering Businesses through Strategic Treasury Management

HoT Expert Talk ATEL

Treasury management holds significant importance for our economy. As a global financial hub, Luxembourg has long been recognised for its robust financial sector and its commitment to excellence in banking and finance. Within this landscape, treasury management plays a key role in supporting the stability, growth, and success of the Luxembourg economy.

Luxembourg relies heavily on the expertise and skills of its treasurers to manage financial resources effectively, ensure liquidity, and navigate the complexities of global financial markets.

Continuing vocational training provides treasurers with specialised knowledge and practical skills that is essential for their roles. Through continuing training, treasurers gain a deep understanding of financial instruments, investment strategies, and treasury technologies, allowing them to stay ahead in an ever-evolving financial landscape.

Continuing vocational training is fundamental for the integration of new skills and knowledge in companies as well as the support of talents in their upskilling pathway in line with the new requirements of the economy and the labour market.

Treasury management includes a broad range of activities related to cash management, liquidity, risk management, and financial decision-making. It is the art of effectively managing an organisation's financial resources, ensuring the optimal allocation of funds, and mitigating risks associated with cash flows, investments, and foreign exchange transactions.

The International Treasury Management and Corporate Finance Fundamentals modular training programme, offered by the House of Training in partnership with the Luxembourg Association of Corporate Treasurers (ATEL), has empowered our talents with a comprehensive understanding of the world of finance. Throughout our certification, participants have embraced a wealth of knowledge, emerging as well-rounded professionals ready to tackle the challenges of the dynamic corporate landscape.

Join us in our podcast where three treasury experts share their insights on the evolving skills required for treasurers in response to today's economic changes. As we navigate through these shifts, it's only natural to focus on the changing role of the corporate treasurer. Tune in to hear from François Masquelier, President of the ATEL, Federico Gregori, treasury professional and trainer at the House of Training, and François De Witte, treasury professional and trainer at the House of Training, as they discuss the dynamic landscape of treasury skills in today's economic environment.

Find out about all the training opportunities on this topic proposed by the House of Training in partnership with ATEL.

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